Search Results for: Conan review

Conan the Barbarian #17 Reviews

A new story arc begins as we roll our timeline back to Days of Grand Piracy! Conan and Bêlit are at the height of their infamy, loving life and living large, but trouble is brewing…What did reviewers think of this kick-off to a brand new adventure?

9 Panel Grid: “I really like the different approach taken here. I think it was fitting for the story. The rendering was really nice on this one.”

Comical Opinions: 8/10 “Conan the Barbarian #17 returns to one of the most anticipated eras in Conan’s history to begin a new tale of adventure, thievery, romance, and excitement. Jim Zub continues to prove he understands Robert E. Howard’s creations as well as anyone else”

Cool Thunder: 8.9/10 “Zub masterfully weaves together themes of passion, intrigue, vivid storytelling, and the signature brutal action fans expect. Danica Brine’s detailed and striking artwork is a standout, perfectly complemented by Jao Canola’s vibrant and atmospheric coloring.”

Deciptisean: “I thought this was awesome. It’s still going strong, one of the best things of the past two years. Definitely one of the best comics of 2024…I recommend this. Pick up the entire run.”

The DNA Show: “If you’re a Conan fan of old, I think you’ll appreciate what they’re doing at Titan Comics with this.”

Doc Lail Talks Comics: “Conan’s been around for almost 100 years as a character and now you get to see so many sides of him that you’ve never seen before…This is just really amazing literature in art form.”

Dragon’s Cache: 9.8/10 “Conan and Bêlit have become legendary pirates. Some may wonder how much their stories have grown in the telling. But in Conan The Barbarian #17, as they relax in Kyros, Bêlit discovers that Conan’s worries are justified.”

Goodreads: 5/5 “This issue is written with vibrant history in mind, artfully and skillfully, with an eye trained solely on the intimate, thrilling adventures of Conan and Bêlit at the height of their love for one another…Anyway, top notch. Not familiar with this artist but great job as always.”

Kabooooom: 5/5 “Zub’s command of Conan as a character remains unmatched and, unsurprisingly given his run so far, he has a solid handle on Bêlit as well…If you’ve not been reading Conan the Barbarian since Titan Comics took over the license, you’ve been missing out on a damn good comic. Fans of fantasy will be in good spirits, but the high adventure and intrigue will also appeal to other audiences.”

League of Comic Geeks: 4/5 “I love that we get a Bêlit story! Something else I appreciate about this is the classic nature of serialized Conan. There’s no continuity between last issue or this and it doesn’t matter, because Conan is a series of tales; an epic saga told in parts jumping through his timeline. It’s the same way REH wrote him and I dig it!”

Nerd Initiative: “I absolutely love this comic…This is just Jim Zub and now Danica Brine firing on all cylinders with awesome Conan content. That’s it, that’s all you need!”

Old Nerd Reviews WY : “Every time I talk about Conan I say ‘Now is the best time to jump in’ if you’re not reading it, but now may honestly be the best time to jump in.”

Pop Culture Philosophers : “Another great issue of Conan…I do really like this story.”

Professor Frenzy: “Conan and Bêlit stories are fabulous for me and this one is definitely good…This did not miss a step.”

Sci Fi Pulse: 9.6/10 “Jim Zub kicks off this new story arc, promising exciting adventures with Conan and his Pirate Queen, a character we’ve only seen in flashbacks until now. It will be intriguing to see how this story unfolds as it develops. This is a strong and engaging start.”

Stygian Dogs: “I really enjoyed Danica Brine’s work here, it feels like it exists in contrasts – it’s both soft and edgy, sensual and striking, detailed yet sparse, and it does a superlative job of capturing the ‘joie de vivre’ Conan felt with Bêlit in that era where the youthful wanderer found a form of stability in service to his Queen…The story is a welcome palette cleanser.”

Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “I love the double page spread that Danica drew. It looks beautiful…This is a great issue. I really, really liked it.”

Thinking Critical: “This is Conan the Barbarian and Bêlit kind of story that’s a lot more sexy in nature and Danica’s art is a lot more sexy than Roberto De La Torre…It’s a still a fine issue of Conan.”

Whole Lotta Comics: “This book is beautiful. Truly beautiful…I’m honestly shocked how much I loved the art in this book.”

Conan: Battle of the Black Stone #4 Reviews

Conan: Battle of the Black Stone concludes with intense combat, unexpected turns, and a killer final page reveal! What did critics think of our big finish? Let’s find out (but watch out for SPOILERS if you haven’t read the issue yet) –

9 Panel Grid: “I had a lot of fun with this series. This was really quick, really exciting, really action-packed, and I think the star of this has been Jonas Scharf and the colorist…It kicked the doors wide open for Conan to explore the cosmic horror side of his universe.”

Comic Book Dispatch: 9.8/10 “Jão Canola’s otherworldly fire burns yellow and green, threatening to consume John Kirowan, Soloman Kane, and Brissa like Human torches. The fire tinges the forest orange and fills the background with darkness…When the Black Stone’s power proves too powerful for stalwart warriors to combat, a scholar’s thirst for knowledge and a writer’s imagination prove pivotal in defeating a mind-consuming power.”

Comic Culture: “I loved it. It was handled so well…So many characters in the group had their moments, which I thought was really good…Well worth it if you’re not already checking it out.”

Comical Opinions: 10/10 “It’s one thing to start a mini-series on a decent note and finish strong, but it’s another to start strong and end on a phenomenal note….Jim Zub imagines a battle for the ages that requires our heroes to fight, sacrifice, and die to save the world, and Jonas Scharf’s artwork is pulp magnificence.”

Cool Thunder: 9.8/10 “The conclusion to the Battle of Black Stone is nothing short of spectacular, delivering a thrilling, action-packed narrative that seamlessly weaves together the interconnected stories of its characters.”

DC Patrol: “This is amazing – they nailed it! Four issues and look at the story that’s told…I adored every moment of it.”

Doc Lail Talks Comics: “If you’ve liked Jim Zub’s run on the main Conan title you’re going to love this four issue mini-series. It’s going to scratch all of the itch for all the different characters in The Howardverse.”

Evan the Architect: “This was awesome. I really enjoyed this whole mini-series, so I highly recommend it…The way this ends is kind of perfect in tying up this story but also launching into something that’s even more dangerous and more scary for the future.”

Good Reads: 5/5 “There is nothing but pure payoff here from page one. If you find yourself disappointed by other series having poor or unsatisfying conclusions, look no further than Conan mainline or Black Stone.”

IPauleyxx: “…a love letter to fans of the Barbarian, offering something for newcomers and seasoned readers alike. Its perfect blend of legacy, innovation, and thrilling surprises makes it a must-read for anyone who relishes high-adventure comics.”

League of the Comic Geeks: “Howard’s heroes bounce off of eachother surprisingly well and Scharf gives the book some incredible action.”

Mighty Thorngren: “I had such a blast with this book. It was so cool. I have throughly enjoyed this series and I hope that we see the further adventures of all the characters in these books…This kicked as, all four of them together were wonderful and this was a great finale.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “This book sets up another big Howard verse thing to come and I am all here for it. I think Jim Zub’s been doing a fantastic job with Conan books.”

Quest Wise: “It is brilliantly told. It is wonderfully written. I truly believe that if Robert Howard were alive today, he would be proud of Battle of the Black Stone…The writing in this is amazing. The artwork is beautiful. It just flows very well. There are ups and downs and ‘Oh My God’ moments, all in four issues.”

Stygian Dogs: “Fantastic stuff!…The awesome action and cosmic horror aside, the success of Jim Zub and Jonas Scharf’s event series has been the creative integration of Howard’s pantheon of characters into an exciting experiment of enrichment.”

Super Hero Hype: “The Battle of the Black Stone comic was an event undreamed of…However, the comic still managed one last surprise for readers in the final chapter with the reveal of the series’ ultimate villain.”

Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “This is a great issue. I really, really enjoyed it…I think that the series was very good and definitely better than the last time Jim did a Howard-verse crossover.”

Thinking Critical: “This was a lot of fun. Action-packed, character building…If you’re not reading Conan and everything from Titan Comics, hop on the train, you will not be disappointed. These are truly great legacy characters.”

Conan: Battle of the Black Stone #3 Reviews

Conan: Battle of the Black Stone #3 arrived in stores this week. What did critics think of our penultimate issue? Let’s find out-

9 Panel Grid: “It’s really cool. I really like what Jim Zub is doing here…It’s a worthwhile trip to be taking and a really fun book.”

Big Comic Page: “Somehow managing to make all of Robert E. Howard’s creations sound spookily convincing, as if their dialogue was actually penned by the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre himself.”

Comic Culture: “I love the pacing in this series. We have a lot of characters, we have very high stakes, and things just keep getting more stressful because the ranks get smaller and smaller…It’s everything you can want and more!”

Comical Opinions: 8.8/10 “A super solid issue that starts at a leisurely pace, but picks up steam for a hammer-blow of an ending…Jonas Scharf brings the heat in an issue filled with lush jungle landscapes, striking figure work, fantastic use of dramatic shadows to present an air of dread in broad daylight, and gritty action.”

Cool Thunder: 9.4/10 “The art by Jonas Scharf is nothing short of mesmerizing. Scharf’s detailed, atmospheric visuals perfectly capture the dark, tense atmosphere of the story, with each panel drawing you deeper into the narrative. His depiction of the black stone beast, lurking in the shadows and picking off Conan’s companions, is particularly haunting, making the stakes feel more visceral.”

DC Patrol: “This comic is phenomenal. I really love the colors and the art style…This is is probably the best one yet.”

Good Reads: 5/5 “Epic, jam-packed with action and swirling with weird mystery…Battle of the Black Stone is really building up steam. The fire is stoked and ready to burst in a fireball of kaleidoscopic miasma.”

Mighty Thorngren: “This is such a good story – well written, beautifully illustrated, tons of action but still giving us moments of character build up and emotional drama and pathos. It’s wonderful!”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “I was really surprised at how quick everything was moving in issue two and even more surprised how quick everything is moving in issue three! I’m just going to tell you this – ‘No One Is Safe’…Really cool stuff.”

Stygian Dogs: “Jim Zub, Jonas Scharf, and Jao Canola continue to reward readers with something distinct from the monthly series, marked by its own unique style and panel flow. It’s not a Conan comic, it’s a Howard comic and that’s a great thing for fans and the author’s legacy.”

Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “This issue is great…I think the writing is great, and Jonas Scharf’s artwork is awesome and Jao Canola does a really great job here.”

Thinking Critical: “I highly recommend this one. It’s a fun read.”

Conan the Barbarian #16 Reviews

It’s the end of Frozen Faith, our fourth story arc. As young Conan struggles with where he’s meant to be and what he believes, what did the critics think? Read on and find out…

9 Panel Grid: “Doug Braithwaite’s artwork is just stunning. It is so good, especially for this part of the storyline…I love the way this opens up the doors to the mysteries and magic of the Hyborian Age.”

Comic Culture: “This has been a spectacular read and the art has been really killer as well.”

Comical Opinions: 9.5/10 “Brimming with fantastic art from Doug Braithwaite and deeply inspired ideas from Jim Zub, this series has yet to miss the mark.”

Comics Unbagged: “Whatever kind of story you want to tell you can tell it with Conan in it. You can even, if you’re as brave as Jim Zub, tell a story about a man having a crisis of faith…If you’re a fan of Conan and haven’t been checking out this series, I highly recommend it.”

Cool Thunder: 10/10 “Conan the Barbarian continues to stand out as one of the premier titles on the comic book shelves today. Zub’s compelling storytelling combined with breathtaking artistry makes this series an absolute must-read.”

Doc Lail: “This is some of the best Conan stuff I’ve ever read…If you know who Conan is, you’re going to love this book.”

Eternal Crusader: 9/10 “I found it fascinating to see how Zub skillfully wove various elements together in this adaptation while preserving the essence of Howard’s original story. More than just a mere retelling, it offers a deeper narrative that touches upon aspects of human existence and its significance, such as youthful rebellion against one’s parents and the search for meaning in life…It is undoubtably great and stands without fear of comparison to its predecessors.

Father and Son Comics: “A really good read, fantastic art, and a book I look forward to each and every month…I can’t recommend it enough.”

Good Reads: 5/5 “With this issue we have a poignant, reverent look into the Conan’s origin, his perception of powers beyond the natural world, and an emotionally stirring resolution to this chapter of his life, while bravely looking forward to the next.”

League of Comic Geeks: 5/5 “We see young conan struggle and question the existence of god and by Crom this whole issue was beautifully structured. Doug did a great job this entire arc and I’m excited for this title’s future.”

Mighty Thorngren: “What a way to finish the story. Just a beautiful message and a gorgeous illustration…a wonderful end I cannot wait to reread.”

Old Nerd Reviews WY: “In other tellings of this story, you don’t get to see the fallout, you don’t get to see Conan having those moments of humanity and vulnerability like you do in this book and I think that adds so much to the character…I cannot suggest it enough.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “It really explores Conan’s thoughts on religion, on theology, on God, on faith, and it works! It’s so grounded, it’s so real and so unlike what we would typically associate with Conan but at the same time exactly what we would associate with Conan.”

SciFi Pulse: 9.6/10 “Doug Braithwaite continues to do some great work on this book…A nicely done story that looks at what kind of things can make the strongest of us question our faith as well as our own minds. “

Stygian Dogs: “In the end, Conan’s belief is fortified and we’re shown the importance of making one’s own way in life and what it means to believe in a god that cares not and does not intervene in the affairs of man. The bookends of this arc are a wonderful meditation on the nature of belief, with a final message to drink deep and live life to its fullest, without fear. It’s fantastic.”

Super Hero Hype: 5/5 “Those who would dismiss Conan as dumb muscle would do well to give Conan the Barbarian #16 a try…It is sure to please fans of the character and may even make fans of some skeptics.”

Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “This is an arc that will speak to the younger men who are picking up the series…It’s awesome. I really loved it. I thought it was a great, great issue.”

Thinking Critical: “This issue does a great job establishing what Conan believes in and his struggle with faith growing up…one of the best issues of Conan and a strong recommend.”

Conan: Battle of the Black Stone #2 Reviews

The second part of our epic pulp adventure, Battle of the Black Stone, arrived in stores this week.
What did critics think? Let’s see…

Comical Opinions: 10/10 “In a year over stuffed with soulless crossover events that make a lot of noise but do very little to get readers excited, Conan: Battle of the Black Stone #2 gets everything right for a pulp action adventure of the highest order…no comic available right now does it better.”

Cool Thunder: 9/10 “We get to see all the characters pulled together to discern the mystery of the haunting and deadly Black Stone…issue 2 will leave you on the edge of your seat blending action, suspense, and mystery leaving you desirous for more!”

DC Patrol: “This book is absolutely fantastic – great images. Jonas Scharf really, really doing a fantastic job and the colors by Canola are great!”

Dragon’s Cache: 9.6/10 “Jonas Scharf packs the pages of Conan: Battle of the Black Stone #2 with panels to show our heroes interact with these supernatural forces…Jão Canola contrasts the yellow and green energy with orange and red, while brown and gray also ground scenes in the stately club.”

Goodreads: 5/5 “This hews very closely to Howardian concepts and characters, the ideas behind the world and story, the Hyborian Age, and builds upon it by imagining pre and post yarns branching from well-known stories…Lots of payoff here. Do not miss it!”

League of Comic Geeks: 5/5 “Wow… just wow. I don’t want to reveal any spoilers but my jaw dropped not once but twice.”

Mighty Thorngren: “This issue was a breath of fresh air and so fun, just non-stop awesome action and I’m just having a blast with it…These have just been on fire delivering lately.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “They pull it all together in issue #2 and it works, and it’s great…Really cool stuff!”

Stygian Dogs: “With stakes brought into sharp focus and the sense of weird turned up to 11, Jim Zub, Jonas Scharf, and Jão Canola have succeeded in giving us a morbidly exciting second part to this ambitious 4-issue mini-series.”

Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “This was a phenomenal addition to the story. I really, really loved it…I thought it was really fun. I really enjoyed the artwork and coloring.”

Thinking Critical: “I love this mini-series, I love what Jim Zub is doing with Conan as a whole, and I love that Titan is giving this character the room and attention it deserves from people who love the character. The results are showing for themselves. A fantastic mini-series.”

Void City Reviews: “I’m into it. There’s a long build up to get here, but I’m enjoying the execution.”

Conan the Barbarian #15 Reviews

9 Panel Grid: “Overall this was a completely masterful issue, I loved seeing something familiar from Conan, albeit something completely new because of what Jim Zub and Doug Braithwaite are doing.”

Comical Opinions: 9.5/10 “Conan the Barbarian #15 presents mature, spiritual concepts wrapped in a ferocious Conan tale. Jim Zub is digging deep to dispel Conan’s reputation as a sword-slashing meathead by sending him on a personal journey that reflects struggles everyone can relate to.”

DC Patrol: “This book is just perfection…just a beautiful book. I don’t even think you need to like Conan to enjoy this.”

Doc Lail Talks Comics: “If you have not been reading this book, find it. I don’t care if you read it digitally, I don’t care if you pick it up in person. Conan is on a path of fire with Jim Zub that he has not been on since the 70’s or possibly the early 80’s…This is one of the best books on the shelves right now.”

GoodReads: 10/10 “The art and writing have captured the mystical, salacious and errant spirit of the original works, while driving the fervor, fury and passion to its heights. Just as Howard would have done himself, if he were in the comic medium.”

Grammaticus Books: “[Zub] adds something to it without taking anything away from the original Robert E. Howard story…Great artwork by Doug Braithwaite combined with great coloring by Diego Rodriguez that makes for some excellent pages.”

Grimdark Magazine: “Bolstered by the strong foundation of ‘The Frost-Giant’s Daughter,’ Conan the Barbarian #15 is the strongest issue in the Frozen Faith arc thus far.”

League of Comic Geeks: 5/5 “I never thought I would be reading a poetic version of Conan the Barbarian. Yet here I am and there’s a very good chance that this will be one of the best books I read all week, maybe month, possibly all year.”

Lord Samper’s Library: “Now I love Howard’s opening, for ‘The Frost Giant’s Daughter’, but I’ve also got a lot of time for the way that Zub wraps a little background around this. I like background, especially when it’s done as well as this.”

Mighty Thorngren: “When I want a comic book, I want to be thoroughly pleased with the amount of action and story, and these Conan comic books deliver that like nothing else. Page after page of cool looking stuff. Doug Braithwaite has just beautiful artwork.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “This book is awesome…The Conan books, this is the best they’ve been since back in the 70’s and 80’s, in my opinion. This is some really great stuff!”

Scifi Pulse: 9.7/10 “Overall, another fantastic issue with a great mix of strong artwork and fantastic dialogue.”

Sleepy Reader: “Jim Zub just knocks it out of the park. All the stuff he’s been setting up from the point of view from the goddess now really pays off…and I have grown very affectionate for Doug Braithwaite’s very brutal art style.”

Stygian Dogs: “Zub has seamlessly woven these layers of his grander story into this adaptation, the end result of his twist convincing readers that an exploration of these themes was always articulated in Howard’s original material. It’s a remarkable achievement and Doug Braithwaite’s work is exceptional…I can’t recommend this issue enough.”

Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “I think that this is quite a phenomenal adaptation of the Frost-Giant’s Daughter…and I like the expansion that was done to turn this into an arc and connect the Battle of Venarium and leaving Cimmeria to this story.”

Thinking Critical: “It’s still absolutely awesome…This continues to be the series of the year.”

Wakizashi’s Teahouse: “It’s glorious! The art is great by Braithwaite. An exciting tale. Really good writing by Jim Zub, quite poetic at times. Big recommend.”

Conan: Battle of the Black Stone #1 Reviews

Conan: Battle of the Black Stone launched this week, kicking off our pulp-infused epic mini-series. What did critics think of it? Let’s find out-

9 Panel Grid: “Jonas Scharf’s artwork is really, really bold and dynamic. There’s a lot of kinetic energy that comes with it when he’s working with the action set pieces…If you’re a Conan fan, you’re gonna love this. If you’re not a Conan fan, it might be time to dive in because this was a heck of a ride.”

Comic Culture: “Really dramatic scenes, brutal environments, a really great book. Just full of action and adventure and I just can’t wait to see where this book goes from here. If you’re not reading Conan, you have to be reading this one.”

Comical Opinions: 10/10 “Defines the word ‘epic’ at pretty much every level…If you love Conan, if you love Solomon Kane, if you love any and all of those characters in that pulp era of adventure storytelling, this is a top notch, first class, grade-A comic. You will love it!”

Comics Beat: “Scharf illustrates each character with a heaviness that captures the tone Zub is going for. They look and feel grandiose, but also mortal. It’s especially noticeable in the eyes. A lot of emotion is afforded to them to really communicate a sense that fear is creeping in just under the surface, and that the heroes are trying their best to keep it from pouring out.”

DC Patrol: “This book is glorious. I enjoyed every fiber of it…Wicked, wicked. Love it.”

Doc Lail: “If you are looking for adventure, action, explosive storytelling, then I would prescribe this to fix those ills and I would get it in high doses.”

Goodreads: 5/5 “There is a fury of pulp power conjured on each page of this newest issue, kickstarting one of the most meaningful and interesting expansions of Robert E. Howard’s mythology in decades. Do not fool yourself into thinking you can skip this.”

Graphic Policy: “It builds a mystery across time and works for both new readers and long time fans. As the first event for the new launch of Robert E. Howard’s creations, it opens up a lot of possibilities of what’s to come.”

League of Comic Geeks: “I’m thrilled to report that this works insanely well…Zub does a fantastic job at highlighting how the stone effects all of our heroes in different ways while still letting each of them feel distinct.”

Lord Samper’s Library: “Not a lot gets to Conan but a mysterious sigil is doing just that and it swiftly proves to be an intriguing setup for whatever comes next…I enjoyed how all these events play out against the encroaching darkness in the background, makes it even more intriguing. Nice work from Scharf and Canola.”

Major Spoilers: 5/5 “It is really well done. It is really well written as far as we have all these little tableaus, and each are experiencing these time dilations or time shifts brought on by Black Stone…I just can’t gush enough about it.”

Mighty Thorngren: “I’m having so much fun with this stuff, more than I have been with comics in a decade or two. I’m just absolutely thrilled and always have a reason to go to the comic shop.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “Really cool stuff. The art by Jonas Scharf is absolutely fantastic, the story pacing is great. The way it bounces back and forth from the Hyborean Age to the 20th century and to other eras, it all freaking works and it works masterfully well.”

Quest Wise: “The first issue is brutally beautiful in its writing and craftsmanship. The artwork is beautiful. The storyline is beautiful. The blending of different characters is beautiful…I highly recommend it.”

Stygian Dogs: “A thrilling start to Jim Zub’s ambitious project to unite Robert E. Howard’s ‘Heroes of Man’ as they confront an ancient eldritch evil. Upon its conclusion it promises to just get better. Adding to this, it’s a must-read celebration and exploration of Howard’s creations.”

Superhero Hype: 10/10 “Fans of the current Conan comic will find Battle of the Black Stone #1 to be a fine continuation of the monthly series. Newcomers will enjoy it as a welcome entry to the weird tales of Robert E. Howard. Most of all, it is a worthy tribute to the Bard of Cross Plains, which truly honors his remarkable legacy.”

Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “I’m very, very excited. This was a great issue, this was a nice cliffhanger…It’s phenomenal. A great starting event for this new iteration of Conan.”

Thinking Critical: “There are some amazing images from Jonas Scharf…This is a solid opening chapter to a big event crossover.”

Savage Sword of Conan #4 Reviews

The newest issue of Savage Sword of Conan kicks off our Battle of the Black Stone storyline with six short prelude stories. Let’s see what critics thought of it…

Comic Culture: “We have that classic black & white magazine-sized action. It’s gruesome, it’s gory, it’s absolutely beautiful and it definitely keeps your attention…Savage Sword of Conan continues to be one of my favorite books out each month.”

Comical Opinions: 9.8/10 “Why can’t every anthology be this good?…It’s a pulp adventure-lover’s dream!”

DC Patrol: “A whole bunch of stories, wonderful characters. It’s inventive and fun…This book has everything.”

Decptisean: “This issue is chockablock with Robert E. Howard goodness. I recommend this…It has different art styles, but still very good.”

Fanboy Planet: “despite the large cast, you don’t have to buy a plethora of titles. You can catch up on the first year arc, but it’s not really necessary. Zub remembers that every Conan comic is somebody’s first…It’s a small enough event to stay focused, but, in comics terms, earth-shattering enough to eagerly await what’s coming next.”

Goodreads: 8/10 “Super excited for the ultimate meeting of all these outstanding Howard characters…Lots of great authors and artists here. Really love the El Borak and Solomon Kane stories.”

Mandy’s a Geek: 10/10 “This comic, everybody should be buying. It’s the best value comic around. Each issue’s been fantastic…Just wonderful.”

Mark on Comics: 5/5 “This is a great introduction to Battle of the Black Stone…I highly recommend it. If you’re a Conan fan, pick this book up!”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “I really like this book! I think Savage Sword is just brilliant, I love it….This is one of the best books on the shelf!”

Scoop: “All of the stories are enticing, and the Marz-Perkins collaboration on El Borak is worth the price of admission by itself…If Battle Of The Black Stone lives up to this, it’ll be a great ride.”

Stygian Dogs: “I think fans are going to be pleased and naysayers surprised. I was curious going into this. I was always going to check out the Black Stone event but this book defied my expectations. The trippy moments of the surreal, the evil of the stone permeating all pages and stories, it generates more questions and more mystery even as the plot details are elaborated upon.”

Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “Overall, a great start to the Battle of the Black Stone event. I really, really liked it and thought it was great…This is nearly perfect in my opinion.”

Thinking Critical: “Without a doubt, the best value in comics…I highly encourage everyone to check this one out. What Jim Zub is building here is going to be epic.”

Todd Luck: “This is even more like a barbarian box of chocolates because you have six different stories by six different creative teams…an artistic showcase showing all these artists doing Robert E. Howard characters.”

Conan the Barbarian #14 Reviews

Conan the Barbarian #14, part 2 of Frozen Faith, is now out. What did critics think of it? Let’s see…

9 Panel Grid: “I love how Conan keeps growing and developing into this fantastic comic book that I didn’t think I would still be along for the ride on after 14 issues.” 5/5 “These stories are wonderful and the art is excellent. Titan comics hits homerun after homerun. True to the spirit Howard created.”

Comic 8/10 “It feels intense and gritty, like every fan of the character expects…this snowbound adventure is really hitting the mark.”

Comic Culture: “Really, really strong issue. Love this one. One of my favorite Conan issues of this entire run right here.”

Comical Opinions: 9/10 “Jim Zub gives readers a masterful object lesson in how to build a story that stretches over multiple issues without filling pages with decompressed fluff…plus Doug Braithwaite’s deceptively detailed art is outstanding.”

DC Patrol: “Read this book. Highly recommend. One of my absolute favorites.”

Goodreads: 10/10 “we get to see Howard’s world renewed and opened up, rather than retold and retread. [Zub] uses exactly the right elements from the source material and brings us through parts between the famous tales, seamlessly sewing new tales before or after the old ones as if Robert E. Howard had never left us”

Grimdark Magazine: “Conan has won allies and embroiled himself in the conflict with the Vanir, and it seems like his beguiling watcher will reveal herself soon. I look forward to see how Zub weaves his story with the classic Howard tale that serves as its inspiration.”

League of Comic Geeks: 10/10 “It is genuinely insane how good this book is. This is one of the best issues of it yet…This is THE ongoing indie to be keeping up with.”

Mighty Thorngren: “This artwork is just phenomenal. I love it so much…This continues to be my favorite comic every month it comes out and has been since the first Free Comic Book Day issue.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “For 14 issues, I’m still digging it…I’ve never been engaged with a Conan book for as long as I have here. Jim Zub and company are doing an absolutely fantastic job.”

Stygian Dogs: “Diego Rodriguez has fun throughout, playing blues against red, bringing Doug Braithwaite’s blood-spackled battle-fueled fury to vivid life and in Braithwaite’s panels we get a solid six pages of brutal appendage-severing action in a row. It’s wild, it’s Conan.”

Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “I thought that this was a great issue…It encompasses everything that Conan is in a way that is digestible, which is the mark of a good story.”

Thinking Critical: “The very best comic book of the week, bar none…This is arguably the best illustrated issue that Doug Braithwaite has done so far. It is so immaculately beautiful and bloody well done.”


What did critics think of Conan the Barbarian #13, the kickoff to our fourth story arc?
Read on and find out…

Amazon: 10/10 “I’m fairly certain Robert E. Howard himself wouldn’t miss an issue of this series, and I imagine him reading them out loud and forcefully turning to the next page. Amazing art as well.”

Comic Book Dispatch: 9.4/10 “Doug Braithwaite’s distance shots show Conan trekking with snowy wastes. Close-ups reveal calf-high boots plunging into snow, hands pressing into a tree, and exhalations becoming vapor as they depart Conan’s lips.”

Comic Culture: “This has been one of the best, most consistent runs of comics I have read in a very long time. We are on issue #13 and I cannot wait for each and every issue to come out…The themes are instantly resonating with me, which is probably why I love the book.”

Comical Opinions: 9/10 “It’s written great and it looks great…In a comic industry where even the best selling titles are hit or miss, this series has yet to produce a bad issue.”

DC Patrol: “I’ve just got to give some praise to Titan Comics. They’re putting out a beautiful book. Everyone involved, every issue, it’s always great. There is nothing not to love.”

Deceptisean 77: “This is a great series, in keeping with Conan the Barbarian…the art continues to be great for this series.”

Grimdark Magazine: ” This issue delivers a change of pace for existing readers and serves as a gentle jumping-on point for newcomers curious about Titan Comics’ most successful series to date.”

League of Comic Geeks: 9/10 “I’d be critical of an issue like this in any other book, but Zub makes it work. This might be the most reliably solid ongoing series on my radar right now.”

Mighty Thorngren: “This continues to be my favorite comic that I am reading in general…It’s so damn good!”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “Jim Zub has been killing it on this book…This is the first time I’ve ever truly enjoyed a Conan book for more than 12 issues.”

SciFi Pulse: 9.7/10 “It’s a story very much about the will to survive and how frightening life and death-situations can push a person beyond their limits. Overall, this is a great start and I can’t wait to see where the story goes.”

Stygian Dogs: “Zub and team have successfully created a sense of renewal here…This absolutely heralds the start of another great year of Conan comics.”

Sword & Sorcery Book Club: “It was phenomenal and I really loved this…Issue 13 was a wonderful comic book.”

Thinking Critical: “I love this issue. Narratively-speaking, I think this is one of my favorites…It’s a great look into the past and an introspective look into Conan.”

Todd Luck: “It’s a good, solid entertaining issue and it reminds me of some of the high points we’ve gotten in some of the Conan the Barbarian comics in the past 20 years…It’s been remarkably consistent and my opinion isn’t really changing.”