Conan the Barbarian #7 Reviews

Our second story arc, Thrice Marked For Death continues. What did the critics think? Let’s find out-

Big Comic Page: “…there’s a convincing concern etched across the Barbarian’s face throughout this white-knuckle ride which tells of the heavily-muscled man’s uneasiness when confronted with the mysteries of the Afterlife, and his sheer desperation to avoid being mutilated by the grey-skinned ghouls he’s desperately battling against.”

Black Comic Lords: “If you like sword and sandals-type stuff, this is the type of book for you. If you like the first Conan movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger, this is a book you will definitely enjoy.”

Comic 8/10 “The more recent issues have excelled at delivering on some fantastic supernatural elements. Conan the Barbarian #7 brings those things together for arguably the most compelling issue of the series so far.”

Comical Opinions: 9/10 “For Conan fans, this comic has it all – a deep, gritty, dark, thought-provoking atmosphere, intense swordplay, and ample gore. Jim Zub’s writing captures the essence of a serious, no-nonsense Conan.”

Grimdark Magazine: “This issue is full of both action and supernatural menace, giving both artist Doug Braithwaite and colorist Diego Rodriguez quite a workout. This is perhaps the goriest installment of Titan Comics’ Conan the Barbarian yet, with numerous limbs lopped and even a severed tongue.”

Hither Came Conan: “Just when I thought this title couldn’t get any better, Jim and the others come along and throw issue #7 at me…I am never more excited about Conan than when I read one of these Titan issues.”

Infinity Flux: “Just continues to be awesome…The art continues to be fantastic.”

Kabooooom: 10/10 “I could speak at length about the vivid details of Doug Braithwaite’s pencils or the delicate craft of his inks. I could wax at length about Diego Rodriguez’ colors and the palette changes indicating subtle shifts between flashbacks, outdoor scenes and indoor scenes.”

League of Comic Geeks: 10/10 “Great story telling both with art and words. This is exactly what I want from my Conan comics and they’re delivering! Keep this up and I’ll never leave!”

My Kind Of Weird: “The colors and vibrancy alone waste no time transforming this Conan the Barbarian story arc from a fantasy story of swords and steel into a horror-fantasy epic that pulls absolutely no punches…It’s absolutely outstanding and is something you should pick up when it’s released.”

Pop Culture Philosophers: “Another super-satisfying issue of Conan the Barbarian. The writer, Jim Zub, has done a fantastic job of capturing that old school feel with a bit of a modern approach…I’m just super diggin’ it.”

Scifi Pulse: 9.7/10 “Doug Braithwaite and Diego Rodriguez do a brilliant job of the artwork in this issue. Braithwaite’s line work captures the action beats perfectly while Rodriguez’s color work enhances the action. The panels at the start of the book where we see the twisted and possessed version of Chaundra attacking Conan are genuinely horrific as they should be.”

Set The Tape: 10/10 “[Zub’s] collaboration with artists Doug Braithwaite and Diego Rodriguez feels like a return to the golden age of Conan Comics, and it has to be hoped that Titan Comics realise what a phenomenal title they currently have on their hands.”

Stygian Dogs: “Yet another fantastic issue. What else can I say? Jim Zub has given us something incredibly dark and violent, taking his time over 3 issues to set up further mystery, including that ultimate name drop…This readers can’t wait.”

Thinking Critical: “I do love that we’ve got great action, great blood, and some hot chicks…The cliffhanger at the end of this, I flippin’ love! I cannot wait to see where we go to next. I cannot recommend it enough.”

Todd Luck: “The artwork on the inside continues to be fantastic. The writing continues to be solid. This is a dark, bloody tale.”

Wakizashi’s Teahouse: 9.5/10 “I couldn’t stop reading it! It was so, so good…This is one of the best series being published. It’s a huge recommend.”

  1. Currently reading it!

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