Our third story arc begins, The Age Unconquered! What did critics think of this bold new chapter that picks up after last issue’s wild cliffhanger?
• Comic Book.com: 8/10 “Zub knows what was so enjoyable about the Conan of the past and continues to find ways to tell new stories with the character.”
• Comic Book University: “Beautiful book, incredible story. I love what Zub is doing…This one blew my mind.”
• Comic Culture: “I love this issue…I’m glad we’re back to basics right now. Conan is a great read.”
• Comical Opinions: 9.5/10 “-an enthralling tale of adventure, mystery, and intrigue…this issue is a must-read for fans of Conan and classic sword-and-sorcery tales.”
• Comicon.com: 10/10 “It may be my favorite issue of the series so far. It burns with life. I love it, it slays, and I am content.”
• Deciptisean77: “I really recommend this, it’s really great. Good art, good pacing, lots of callbacks to other characters.”
• Gary B The Casual Comic Guy: “This issue really cemented for me why Titan Comics is a good home for Conan the Barbarian…This title is going great and I can’t wait to see where this is going to continue.”
• Goodreads: “…we are still going strong with this series. Each character is well realized and I enjoy what’s on offer here in terms of storytelling, art and overall presentation. “
• Grimdark Magazine: “…delivers the thrills, plunging Conan into a desperate new situation in a vibrant and exciting setting.”
• Hobbies of a Man: “This was an awesome, awesome issue. It was phenomenal. I had a really fun time with this issue.”
• League of Comic Geeks: “Zub’s writing is excellent and De La Torre on pencils just brings back all the nostalgia of the past with a story that keeps true to the Conan character.”
• Pop Culture Philosophers: “Jim Zub and La Torre and company – they’ve been killing it in the pages of Conan the Barbarian. I loved this issue. Really excited to see how this develops.”
• Sci-Fi Pulse: 9.8/10 “…a strong issue with some bloody brilliant plot developments and twists.”
• Stygian Dogs: “Zub has given himself room to play in Howard’s sandbox and he has a demonstrated a knack for doing so in a way that pays meaningful and lyrical homage to Howard’s creations…another must read experience, one that heralds a triumphant close to the series’ first year.”
• Thinking Critical: “This was my pick of the week…The linework, the colors, the lettering, everything is top notch and setting the bar as to how a comic book should be produced.”
• Todd Luck: “I wish I’d recorded my reactions while reading the issue, because even knowing that this was the premise of this plotline, I was still geeking out while reading it.”
• Two Guys and a Stack of Comics: “It’s really cool to see a book that has art and writing so good that it will appeal to non-fans, but if you’re a fan of Howard’s work it honors that as well…This is what comic books should be.”
• Void City Reviews: “Much like the first arc, the writing and the art combine into something that elevates them both…The art is just incredible.”
• Wakizashi’s Teahouse: 8/10 “De la Torre gives you those chills, those flashbacks, the nostalgia buzz…I haven’t read a bad issue yet so far.”
hey jim, do you think it’d be possible for someone to write video games, comic books, and movies?
It’s certainly possible, but each medium has its own particular elements involved, so it would be crucial to learn how those forms work before diving into each new challenge.
These current issues (especially the de la torre issues) are up there with the best Thomas/Buscema/Smith ones. I’m 55 years old and am beyond excited each month waiting for the next issue to drop through the letterbox! Here in the UK, we have to wait a week or 2 longer, but it’s always worth the wait. Keep up the great work all at Titan with both titles.
Thank you so much for the high praise. We stand on the shoulders of giants.