Young Squadron Reviews

AIPT: 8.5/10 “…a great example of how tie-in books to an event can have fun, inform readers on the larger universe, and tell a smaller story within the boundaries of a specific premise.”

But Why Tho?: “Zub does a good job of writing the characters in the panel-to-panel interactions. These characters feel like the familiar personalities we know, but with a twist.”

Comic 8/10 “The ambitious series is slow to start with exposition, but the debut issue will end with you invested in some familiar faces. And when the truth comes to life about this world’s top heroes, you’ll be left rooting for these little guys!”

Comic Crusaders: “This is a solid, enjoyable book helped greatly by the inclusion of Deadpool who adds a massive injection of classic Zub humor even while allowing the story to move quickly without too much angst and exposition. This is a team and setup which would truly be fun to revisit which is rare in any modern crossover. “

ComicXSF: “Cummings then delivers a few striking, yet characteristically fun visuals from there. Each panel always keeps the kids centered and their powers and blocking secondary, which allows a clear focus for the reader on the characters so they don’t get lost in the action.”

Comics the Gathering: “The art team does an excellent job of modulating this journey into darkness. Steven Cummings puts together a satisfying kid-hero story while also debuting perfectly appealing new character designs.”

Major Spoilers: 8/10 “…manages to walk the line between a fun romp that’s typical with younger hero based books and something darker with a message to say. The way that the gleeful, naïve, and understatedly concerned way the Young Squadron approach the violence of their world is both silly and startling.”

Marvel Blog: “…this issue really excels because it understands how important meta characters like Deadpool and Quinn can be to a story.”

The Real Manos: “The storytelling here is very economical. It doesn’t feel too rushed, too quick or that you’re missing something.”

One More Comic: 10/10 “…the perfect balance between the innocence of youth with horror and suspense.”

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