People doing comics that make me squeal with glee…

Well, Flight Volume 3 is out. My god these people are kicking so much ass. This group is such an incredible wellspring of energy and talent. It’s seriously brain-bogglingling. If you haven’t bought Volumes 1 and 2 yet… you are a fool, plain and simple.

I have always loved Eric Kim’s artwork, but I have NEVER seen his use of stark black and white so perfectly utilized as I have with his new story entitled Vulture Gultch. I had no idea that he was BORN to draw whip ass western stories.



I can just see Eric sauntering up to a bar and saying “No color for me thanks, I just kicked the shit out of everything in black and white! Color’s a sissy game.”

That not good enough? Go read Jellaby.

More rockin’ comics as they come to me over the next few days. You’ve been warned.

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