Zub Hosting Master Seminar on Comics Experience


I’m thrilled to announce that I’m working with Andy Schmidt at Comics Experience on a Master Seminar session all about organizing and managing comic and other creative projects. Discussion will include financial analysis, budget-building, finding collaborators, putting together an effective pitch, and approaching publishers.

There are many resources available for creators when it comes to art and writing, but understanding how to effectively build a project and carry it through to completion without losing your mind or your savings, that’s not something I’ve seen as much of, so when Andy approached me about hosting a session covering that hard to find material I agreed.

Past Comics Experience Master Seminars have been with industry luminaries including Brian Michael Bendis, Christos Gage, and Klaus Janson. It’s a pleasure to be brought on board to talk about the pitching and production process.


Click here for all the details, but here’s a bullet-point rundown of how it works:

• Held Saturday, October 29, 2016 from 10:00 AM Eastern Time until approximately 4:00 PM Eastern Time with a one-hour break for lunch.
• You will learn from both lectures and demonstrations presented by Jim Zub.
• You will be a part of a private Q&A with Zub and host Andy Schmidt.
• You will learn about financially planning a comic book project.
• You will learn how to find great collaborators.
• You will learn how to be a great collaborator.
• You will learn about the different avenues to publication.
• You will learn how to prepare a project to pitch it and how most effectively to pitch a project.

This Seminar is $295. For Creators Workshop members, a $50 discount is offered on the forums.

You’ll have access to a recording of the seminar for two full weeks after it’s held—including the Q&A portion.

Online registration only: To attend the Master Seminar: Building Your Comic Project with Jim Zub, you must register online. Enrollment is limited!

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