Thunderbolts #2 Reviews


The second issue of the new Thunderbolts arrived last week. Here are some high light reviews…

Adventures in Poor Taste: 9.5/10 “This is about as much fun as an action-first superhero comic can get. It’s fun and incredibly cinematic comic book reading.”

Comic Newb: “The artwork is phenomenal, the story so far is phenomenal.”

Court of Nerds: “When focusing on Kobik, Thunderbolts #2 is a fun ride. Jon Malin’s work in this issue is fantastic.”

Fansided: “I cannot say I approve of omnipotent four year-olds’ attempted murder of beloved sociopathic psychologists, but there is nothing wrong with celebratory frozen yogurt.”

GeekDad: “Bucky Barnes is a killer. He is an assassin”…”But even Bucky Barnes knows when to say ‘no’ to his kid.”

Hypable: “This series has quickly established itself as a must-read for any Winter Soldier fan”

IGN: “Thunderbolts actually has a unique and assured voice, which is something to be commended”

Man-Stew: “Pick of the week. This book has been a tremendous read so far.”

Reading With a Flight Ring: “Seeing the team in action this issue made me so happy. Over the years they’ve really become something of a stalwart team of misfits that can get into your system.”

TNTM Podcast: “The writing is smart and interesting and really good. I’m definitely excited for the next one.”

Weird Science: 8/10 “Issue one set the bar pretty high and I was worried that issue two of Thunderbolts would not be able to deliver. Zub did a great job following it up, and has me wanting to stick around to see where it goes.”

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