I know it’s been almost two weeks since I posted anything up here. 3 conventions in a row was wonderful but exhausting and a host of things have popped up that have kept me from getting on top of my blah-blah here.
In short, C2E2 was incredible. Meeting Misty Coats, the colorist on Skullkickers, and having such a strong reaction from fans of the book at all three shows was incredibly gratifying.
You can see a couple interview clips that were recorded in Chicago by clicking here or here.
The biggest thing pressing on my time is helping to organize a fund raising event for Japan relief funds with a host of amazing comic, animation and DJ talent in downtown Toronto.
I can’t properly explain to you how much Japanese culture, comics, games and animation has been an inspiration to me. I can easily say that if it wasn’t for its influence I would not be where I am today. If you live in the area I urge you to please click on the poster image below for more information and join us on Sunday April 17th. It’s going to be a great time for a great cause.