Painted three cards in two days, all while juggling e-mails, phone calls and doing the dishes here at the apartment. Gotta try to keep the momentum, but it’ll be tough with teaching tomorrow and a pile of assignments to mark between now and then.
Lots of phone conversations today… my brother, Attila, Eric, Guy, Cornflake, Brian… all that chatter with the phone wedged at a strange angle between my neck and shoulder makes it a little sore tonight, but it was the only way to work while talking with them. I need to get one of those phone headset things. I kept losing my train of thought while talking with Flakie because ICQ windows kept popping up with work messages to distract me. I hate when people do that to me when I’m on the phone with them. I felt so guilty.
This week I still need to do more line art for cards, roughs for Savant & Sorcerer (Exalted book), coloring more pics and write my column for Comixpedia along with school-related prep and marking.
Several people have remarked lately that I may be a workaholic and that I’m not happy until my life is insane. I think it’s a strange compensation for all the times I slacked over the past few years, I don’t know. I slack now too from time to time, but when the 11th hour strikes the fire burns and I get the work done. Maybe it’s not flying colors, but I do the job, dammit. Now I just need to curb that frantic push at the end, make it the 10th hour instead 🙂
Okay, gotta stand up from the chair and stretch, then dive into the next chunk of work-age.