Mystery In Madripoor #2 Reviews

Adventures In Poor Taste: 9.5/10 “The combination of developed world-building, fantastic art, and witty dialogue makes for a solid issue in what’s proving to be a promising miniseries.”

Caped-Joel: “In terms of character depth and complexity this might be the best of the Hunt For Wolverine mini-series.”

Comic Book University: “This is awesome…I love that Zub has respect for the Kitty Pryde & Wolverine mini-series.”

Fortress Of Solitude: 7.5/10 “I’m really liking the anime-style art this book is using. It fits the story and setting really well.”

Heroes At The Summit: “the world building taking place in this title is masterful. The art is so important to show the heartbeat of a location and showing off the many layers of Madripoor gives the book a deeper meaning.”

Keeping Up With The X-Men: “It very much feels like when Patch wandered the streets of Madripoor hiding in plain sight.”

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