Glitterbomb #3 arrived in stores last week. What did reviewers think of it? Read on and find out…
• Newsarama: 10/10 “The body horror might be the hook, but the most resonant idea is that the industry itself is a living nightmare for many.”
• Adventures In Poor Taste: 8.5/10 “Glitterbomb continues to be intriguing as it captures the horror of Hollywood and the ‘monster inside you’ story well.”
• Fangirl Nation: “I’m pretty well hooked, and I’ll be danged if I don’t want to know what exactly she carries around inside her.”
• Nerdy Chatterbox: 5/5 “It does a great job of depicting the seedy underbelly of Hollywood…”
• Retcon Punch: “Glitterbomb isn’t holding my hand and allows me questions while telling a surprisingly snug, paced narrative.”
• Reading With a Flight Ring: “There’s an undeniable presence about this book that draws you in and leaves you with a desire to want more.”