I started tweeting up a storm this morning with ideas for people who want to buy comics for family/friends this holiday season. As it grew and suggestions came in, I thought it might be good to compile all the tweets in one place as an easy hub for people to read later on:
Comics For the Holidays
With the depth and breadth of creator-owned comics out in trade paperback, there’s a solid comic choice for everyone on your shopping list.
Comics are a medium and there are titles for every taste & style. Find out what media your friends + family like, then get comics to match.
Don’t just buy people comics you like, target their likes. You’ll win them over and turn them into comic fans.
Got a friend who loves music? Get them Charles Soule’s 27 volume 1.
Got a friend who loves espionage-thrillers? Get them Nate Edmonson’s Who Is Jake Ellis?
Got a friend who loves westerns? Get them Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt’s The Sixth Gun volume 1 & 2.
Got a friend who loves action-comedy? Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener’s Atomic Robo will do the trick.
Got a friend who loved the Sandman series? Hook them on Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s Locke & Key!
Great kids comics this holiday season: J. Torres’ Power Lunch, Ray Fawkes’ Possessions, Robert Kirkman’s Super Dinosaur and David Peterson’s Mouseguard!
More great kids books! Gladstone's School of World Conquerors, Chris and Shane Houghton‘s Reed Gunther series!
Got a friend who loves horror movies? Get them Kurtis Wiebe and Rily Rossmo’s Green Wake volume 1!
Got a friend who loves faerie tales/Wizard of Oz, buy 'em Return of the Dapper Men by Jim McCann and Janet Lee!
Every one of these books I’ve suggested this morning is creator-owned, so you’re supporting great creators and bringing in new readers.
I’ve also read every single one of them! It's been an incredible year for creator-owned comics.
Anime/Animation fan on your list? Buy them RandomVeus by Jeff “Chamba” Cruz: http://www.randomveus.com/
Want something naughty with something nice? Empowered by Adam Warren ties it up with a bow.
Got a veteran in the family? Buy them Scott Chantler’s Two Generals graphic novel.
Smile by Raina Telgemeier should be on the shelf of every tween. Same goes for Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Lost At Sea
Comics for the Holidays: Got a friend on an exercise/diet mission? Get them Julie Faulkner’s Promises Promises book 1: http://www.promisescomic.com/shop/
Got a relative with sarcastic wit and black-hearted humor? John Layman and Rob Guillory’s Chew is a great fit!
Engineer/Scientist (or student of same) in the family? Buy them Zach Weiner’s Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, stat! http://smbc.myshopify.com/
Science Fiction fan on your list? Hugo-nom Schlock Mercenary by Howard Tayler will satisfy. http://store.schlockmercenary.com/