Is it really the home stretch to the summer?
Weeks blaze by and I’m doing my best to keep it all moving forward. The Chicago Wizardworld convention wrapped up and I arrived home this morning at around 6:30am. The drive down and back was hard, but we made good time both ways thanks to Omar’s tireless stamina.
Eric, Attila, Belfour, Omar and I left at 2:00am Friday, cruised our way past the border with no problems and made it into the show by noon. After an exhausting day at the show, we had a sweet dinner at a local steakhouse and then crashed after watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics.

The Eater of Worlds and I show how it’s done.
Saturday was a busy show, but not as insane as the San Diego show, which was kind of nice. The Wizardworld con was big and all, but after the madness that is San Diego, it felt small in comparison. I was able to wander a bit, but nothing particularly wild caught my eye.

The boys working away at the booth.
A lot of retailers and fans bought up our Capcom Summer Special comic and after the show on Saturday, I grabbed a dinner with Kandrix and Laurie, two friends from Calgary. Heading back to the hotel afterwards, Vedder, Scotty, Belfour and I broke into some drinking and poker. No one could leave the game until all their chips were gone, and as people got eliminated we got more drunk and more daring with our card playing. By dawn, I’d beaten Vedder and walked away with the pot, even though I barely know how to play poker. It made Sunday zombie-like for sure, but I had a good time.

Kandrix, Me and Rob Liefeld. Be afraid.
Home Monday and on the road again Wednesday headed to Gen Con, which will prove to be crazy. Work and school stuff to take care of before I leave, laundry and general clean up, plus ideally I want to get Gala’s computer up and running again. They shipped it from Atlanta and it looks like the hard drive didn’t make it through the journey… blar.
Here we go…