Champions #23 Reviews

Black Nerd Problems: 9/10 “Clean work, exciting visuals, and action-packed scenes that make reading the book so fun.”

Bleeding Cool: 8.5/10 “Champions #23 is an emotionally weighty and action-packed installment for this team of young heroes…It’s a heavy-hitting issue, and I definitely recommend it.”

Comic 8/10 “…another exciting edition to an already stellar series.”

Comic Book University: “I love this one…Absolutely fantastic comic book.”

Comic-Watch: 9/10 “Jim Zub continues to make the Champions one of Marvel’s must-read books with his incredible character work and dynamic plots. Libranda, Manna, and Menyz only add to the excitement with lush, kinetic art that helps make this book one of the best things that Marvel is currently putting out.”

Geeked Out Nation: 8.7/10 “I was taken back by the balance of action, character development, and one heck of a twist that once again changes everything we knew about the direction this story was taking.”

Sequential Planet: 9.2/10 “The issue is a lot of fun and drama mixed with a young adult feel. The team behind Champions has a steady rhythm, and I would definitely recommend reading them.”

Shoot the Breeze: 9.4/10 “The issue dives deep into the emotional crisis that’s been building up within Viv since the conclusion to the recent Vision on-going series and does so in a very natural, satisfying way.”

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