Uncanny Avengers #26 Reviews

Uncanny Avengers #26, our first post-Secret Empire issue arrived in stores and reviewers are excited about where we’re taking the series.

Bleeding Cool: 8.5/10 “Uncanny Avengers comes out on the other side of this transition with flying colors. #26 is a solid read with great character conflict and skilled artwork”

IGN: “Sean Izaakse keeps up the tradition of good artists on this title. Some of his double-page spreads are impressive, and he’s got a great handle on the characters.”

Columbus Comics Corner: 9/10 “Uncanny Avengers is definitely a hidden gem amongst the plethora of Marvel titles.”

Comic Attack: “There’s an insane amount of detail that fills the panels and when the action kicks in no momentum is lost.”

Major Spoilers: 8/10 “a good’n, featuring excellent, clean art with tons of detail and nuance, combined with a script that helps to illuminate the members of this team, giving us all reasons for how and why they’ve chosen to stay together”

Rogues Portal: “With fun characters, a good story, and quality artwork, Uncanny Avengers #26 is a great jumping-on point for true believers of the Avengers brand.”

Too Dangerous For A Girl: “Sean Izaakse is an artist I don’t know at all, but I’m an instant fan of his sharp, clean storytelling. “

Comic Box (French): “Uncanny Avengers #26 looks like the start of a vibrant classic story line.”

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