More application portfolios for the January Animation start came in on Friday. For some reason that hand-in session had an abundance of people show up late and show that they couldn’t read basic instructions on the portfolio format, what was expected or that we didn’t want the original pieces of artwork. Anyways, now I’m going through the portfolios themselves and, like every other time, the hits are hits (thankfully, there are more hits than usual in this batch) and the misses are… well, you know:

– Figure drawing means drawing a real person (like we stated in the portfolio hand-in info sheet), not grafitti style doooooodz covered in blood holding spray paint cans.

– I wish I was joking about the number of applications that have Dragonball Z drawings. I feel like a broken record. What makes it sad-funny-sad is that not a single one is good, at all. They’re always floating figures screaming their brains out while they burst with energy. It’s like some kind of Dragonball Z hive mind. In my personal hell they’ll be showing Dragonball on a continuous loop on every TV in sight.

– Every picture in the portfolio being violent somehow. Clenched fists of rage, people punching or stabbing each other, swords cutting off people’s limbs.

– Photocopies of doodle pages from someone’s sketchbook, including random cartoons of some gun-totting jetpack wearing sci-fi mecha thing. Partially cut off on one of the photocopies is someone’s contact information, but not the applicant’s… so they used this sketchbook page to take down a friend’s number and used that same doodle page as a portfolio piece. Awesome.

– Horned anime character looking psychotic, with blood dripping from his hands and scratches on the wall behind him.

– More figure drawing done from porn. One of the pieces shows a woman reclining on a chair in a thong (but no bikini top) with a ‘come hither’ look. Life drawing models don’t look at you like they want to suck your dick, honest.

– The object and room perspective components as photos instead of drawings…. I have no adequate response.

– A drawing test with the words ‘I have no portfolio’ written on it. Well, at least they’re honest.

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