The fog is so thick outside, I can’t even see the elementary school across the road from our apartment building. All I need now is the sound of seagulls and I’d swear we were back in Halifax.
Two nights with minimal productivity in a row, but at least it was for good reasons. Frank and Meg stopped in on Friday as a stop over of their trek from Georgia to Ottawa. Meg’s moving to Canada and we offered them a place to crash part way. We played cards, hung out and had a few drinks.
Last night, Joel and Veronica threw a party for Gala to celebrate her internship and heading away for the summer. A bunch of people stopped by and we ate and chatted until after midnight before heading out to look for a place to dance at. The clubs were hopping, but had really expensive cover fees and the wrong kind of music. In the end, that mixed with my ultra-sleepiness cut the night a bit short. Even before we left their apartment I was nodding off, but by the time we hit Queen Street, I was exhausted. I think it’s a combination of work stress and “Gala’s leaving” stress. It’s all happening in less than a week and neither of us can believe it.
Separation anxiety mixed with communication gaffs making us both tense, prickly and vulnerable. Socializing with other people helped a bunch I think, and heading to Atlanta with a road trip instead of just flying down will help too. We leave Thursday and should be in Atlanta after a 16 hour drive some time Friday afternoon/early evening. That gives us the weekend to party and I’ll probably leave Monday at lunch. Driving back through the US by myself is going to be weird, but I actually don’t think I’ll mind. Good time to think and put everything happening around me in perspective.
May might actually be sort of relaxing. I won’t be teaching at that point, the work schedule is looking like it’ll be a little more sane and the conventions aren’t crazy yet. I might get a chance to finally organize all my papers and books here at the apartment. I might get a chance to do some artwork for myself again. Not sure if I’ll be more social or go all “hermit-like”. Guess I’ll have to wait and see.
I got Dave laughing really hard last night at the party… I told him that when we get hideously drunk at the conventions this summer, we need a catch phrase to let the other person know that you’ve gone past the point of no return, drinking-wise. Off the top of my head, I threw out that line from 2001 A Space Odyssey:
“My God, it’s full of stars.”
He cackled like crazy, so we decided that would work well.
Okay, gonna stand on the balcony, enjoy a cool breeze and look out into the emptiness of the fog.
Foggy morning