After my work schedule got rearranged a bit, I’m now swamped with work. Unbelievably, I’m attending Anime North this weekend in the midst of the chaos. Not completely wise, but Erik needs some back-up at the con and I need to drop off checks and books to artists anyways. On top of that, I’m waiting for feedback on rough sketches and inked line art for coloring, so I couldn’t get ahead right now even if I wanted to. Fun, fun, fun.
All in all, stresses are hitting me from all sides. I’m trying to make some changes in the way I’m using my work time compared to my free time. It’s something that I’ve known needed to be done for a while, but have put off… until now.
The work is great, the projects are great, but I need to pace myself better and make sure I have other time too. Even if that other time is just something as simple as reading a book or taking a walk or watching a movie. I do those things now, but they’re sporadic, uneven and badly planned out.
Pounding at some images for Dungeon Magazine, I have a good feeling about them. The line art is confident, but not overly clean and stiff or lifeless. It’s a balance I’ve been trying to strike in my line work and one I think I’m slowly but surely winning, barring small setbacks. Obviously, as soon as I can post some of the art, I will. It’s hard to talk about aspects of it without examples I can show…
I’m groggy from a short sleep last night and some restless nights before. Gotta fully wake up, get some food and get dressed… it’s almost noon.