• Adventures In Poor Taste: 8/10 “The art continues to be gorgeous, almost blossoming off the page. The wreckage has an almost haunting beauty to it, and the character expressions are stepped up in the expressiveness department.”
• Comic Attack: 8/10 “What can be said about the art team of Cummings and Bonvillain that hasn’t been said over the past twenty-eight issues? The opening sequence beautifully captures the sadness and caring of the moment and when things shift to the supernatural, Bonvillain’s colors take it to the next level.”
• Comic Book.com: 8/10 “Steven Cummings and Tamra Bonvillain’s art and color put on paper quite possibly one of the most interesting openings to a demonic battle that you’ll see.”
• Geeked Out Nation: 9.1/10 “Wayward #28 throws everyone right into the fray, and I don’t think there has been a bigger stage then now for either success or failure. This issue laughs in the face of anyone who was really hyped up for a turnaround, but even then this remains a story where you expect the unexpected.”
• Horror Talk: 10/10 “Wayward is not slowing down at all. It’s steaming forward towards an incredible climax with monsters all around. If this issue is any indication, we’re in for some epic supernatural battles to close out the series.”