Wayward #14 arrived on February 24th and it’s one of our strongest reviewed issues to date.

• Big Glasgow: 10/10 “In Wayward, in this issue like in any other, you will find pretty much anything you are looking for in a comic book. Buy it, read it.”
• Comic Attack: “the Wayward team continues to keep things surprising while fun and you don’t need extensive knowledge of Japanese folklore to enjoy this.”
• Geeked Out Nation: 8.6/10 “Action-packed with plenty of twists and turns to keep readers guessing.”
• Elmenreich Books: “Wayward is really one of the titles I think of when someone asks me if comic books are art or literature.”
• Outright Geekery: 10/10 ” I really can’t get enough of Wayward, it’s such a great read month and month.”
• Pulp Media: “Wayward excels to new heights. This series keeps getting better and better.”
• Reading With a Flight Ring: “This is the perfect blend of culture’s old and new in a battle to survive and thrive.”
• Snap Pow: 9.5/10 “…another crisp high quality entry that absolutely deserves to stay on your pull-list.”
• The Fandom Post: “Wayward continues to be an enjoyable series that does a lot of stuff I like”
• TM Stash: 10/10 “Wayward has become appointment reading for this reviewer.”
• Under the Comic Covers: “It never ceases to amaze me and impress.”
Gosh, that cliffhanger though… I hate that I loved it so much.