Turn of a Phrase

Sometimes Gal has a turn of a phrase that absolutely knocks my brain sideways. Some of them are hilarious, like an elaborately worded insult or critique of something. Others are just bizarre, like when she forgets a word and substitutes a rapid short form description for it. I really should record them lest they be lost by my woefully inadequate memory. I’ll add a little post to Livejournal when they happen to chronicle these. I hope she’s not offended.

The most famous one I can recall is when she forgot the word “fridge” and said:

“Just put it in *pause* that place we put the cold stuff.”

Today Gal couldn’t remember the word “blow dryer” and substituted the description “back vacuum” for it instead. I assume her brain communicated to her in that instant that it was like a vacuum in reverse. That’s awesome. You may not think it’s funny, but imagine you hear out of the blue:

“Okay, I’m just gonna finish with this *pause* back vacuum, then we can head out to go shopping.”

Then she continued drying her hair without missing a beat. Rock.

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