Samurai Jack #8 Reviews


Samurai Jack #8, our special dialogue-free issue, is out so let’s see what the response has been like:

Word of the Nerd: 10/10 “It’s an issue that continues the innovative legacy of its cartoon predecessor and shows that Jim Zub and Andy Suriano aren’t messing around when it comes to staying faithful to Jack”

Shadowhawk’s Shade: 9.5/10 “I just totally got lost in the story as it unfolded page by page.”

Unleash the Fanboy: 7.5/10 “I was impressed and it earns a recommendation from me.”

Rock! Shock! Pop!: “It’s a very pleasant looking book with the style of the show still very obviously an important part in the visuals of this sequential take on the character.”

Comic Book Therapy: 4/5 “Zub and company have been bringing us a comic that is a worthy successor to the original series, and this issue is definitely a highlight.”

Capeless Crusader: “…a gorgeous silent one shot from Jim Zub and Andy Suriano, and is jam-packed with awesome action scenes and beautiful art”

Comic Bastards: “That is what the comic is all about. Opening imagination and letting it pour out onto the reader.”

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