Arriving in March…

Samurai Jack #6
Jim Zub (writer) • Brittney Williams (artist) • Andy Suriano (cover) • Michael Avon Oeming (variant cover)
In this issue: Fans demanded it and IDW delivers – The return of the Scotsman! The humungous highland hooligan and the stoically stalwart samurai team up once again! This time they battle against a bizarre mystic curse that—okay, that part’s a secret but trust us, it’s a doozy!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
• Fan-favorite The Scotsman returns!
• “…a comic that captures the distinct tone of the series to the point where you might wonder if this is secretly a lost script from Tartakovsky himself.” -IGN
Genndy’s cover?
Genndy’s work schedule didn’t allow him to produce a cover for this issue, unfortunately.
Thank you for the response! Hopefully you can try to convince him as its in 3 months : (
I knew you’d be back with more DC stuff. It was only a matter of time. Congrats! I’m exctied to read it.