Samurai Jack #1 arrived in comic shops on Wednesday and it’s been a whirlwind since the launch. The praise from readers and reviewers has been overwhelmingly positive and I’m blown away by all the kindness shown to the comic. Thank you to everyone who has been sending messages, emails, and tweets about the first issue.
• IGN Comics: 8.8/10 “Writer Jim Zub and artist Andy Suriano work in perfect harmony to deliver a comic that captures the distinct tone of the series to the point where you might wonder if this is secretly a lost script from Tartakovsky himself.”
• Newsarama: 8/10 “Samurai Jack is more than just a trip down memory lane. Zub and Suriano may be nostalgia surfing, but they’re also shredding new and exciting waves.”
• Alpha Comics: “Zub’s wit and hilarious imagination is put to good use with this crazy plot and opportunity to invent some really cool enemies for the chiseled jaw of Jack to growl at.”
• Big Planet Comics: “It matches the style of the show perfectly.”…”If you’re a fan of the cartoon it’s a ‘must have’.”
• Comic Bastards: 5/5 “Samurai Jack: the comic book shows promise and its first issue is a sterling example of an adaptation done right.”
• Comic Book Bin: 9/10 “Of all the comic books that have debuted this year, Samurai Jack is the purest of them all. It is so free of pretension, yet is still bright and imaginative.”
• Comic Book Communicast: “You open it up and it’s like you’re watching another episode of the TV series.”…”It’s perfect.”
• Comic Book Therapy: 5/5 “Samurai Jack fans rejoice, Zub and Suriano have presented an excellent first issue. IDW is two for two on their Cartoon Network adaptations. Whether you’re a longtime Jack fan or someone who’s curious what all the fuss is about, check this one out.”
• Comicosity: 8/10 “Jim Zub and Andy Suriano bring a lot of the same imaginative character design and the over-the-top mix of action and humor that made the cartoon work.”
• Fanboy Comics: “Suriano’s art is such a dead ringer for the original art that I found myself missing the soundtrack and the effects during my read.”
• Fellowship of the Geeks: “Zub and Suriano have really knocked this one out of the park. It’s original where it needs to be, but it’s still familiar like an old friend.”
• First Comics News: “…my mind was seeing animation flow from panel to panel, which shows how good the comic is!”
• Flickering Myth: “Jim Zub’s writing is pretty spot-on in terms of authenticity, the comic feels like a genuine continuation as opposed to trying to sell paper off the back of a decent franchise.”
• Geek Smash: 8.8/10 “There are so many fantastic things to say about this comic, even if I wasn’t fueled on pure nostalgia.”
• Geeked Out Nation: 8.5/10 “There is so much good in this issue. Huge kudos to the writer and artist for making this series feel exactly like the show. “…”I’m really, really, really, REALLY looking forward to the next issue.”
• Moar Powah: 4/5 “Between the dead-on accurate artwork, to the quick wit and well written dialogue, every inch of this book just SCREAMS Samurai Jack. “
• Nerd Span: “This was honestly one of my most anticipated comics of the last half of the year, and it did not disappoint. It’s a nice new chapter in Jack’s journey and is wonderfully presented.”
• Nerdlocker: 5/5 “This one seems like it’s gonna be fun. I’m on board. You guys should be too.”
• Nerds on the Rocks: 7/7 “This comic offers everything I want in a number 1 – A feel for the characters and the world, a complete story and a dangling carrot that makes me want to continue reading without feeling cheated. Samurai Jack #1 is a worthy follow-up to the animated series and can’t wait to see what the future holds.”
• Omnicomic: “Fans of the Samurai Jack show will feel right at home here. Zub and Suriano do a great job picking up where it left off, offering up continuity in the way of story and art that will appeal to new fans as well as old.”
• Outhousers: “This is an amazing debut issue from Zub and Suriano. It’s the perfect pairing for a book like this. Given the genius source material and the creative team, the possibilities are endless.”
• Pop Culture Maven: “Solid story and fantastic art make this one of the few adaptations that really works. Very Recommended!”
• Reading Pictures: “If you miss Jack and his samurai ways, go pick this up. If you never watched the show, buy the book anyway because it’s just plain fun.”
• Shadowhawk’s Shade: 10/10 “Jim Zub has done a great job of capturing that same sense of wonder and charm that was there in the cartoons.”
• Sound On Sight: “This issue IS an episode of Samurai Jack, from the set-up, to the battles, every panel knows its origins and doesn’t shy from its roots. A wonderfully fun read that’s perfect for the whole family.”
• This Is Infamous: “…the motion and movement necessary to make the fight sequences sing are all there, and Jack’s magic sword swings right off the page.”
• Unleash the Fanboy: 4/5 “Samurai Jack #1 is a great beginning to something that’s bound to be memorable. Recommended.”
• What Culture: “Samurai Jack #1 is a really fun comic that gets the series off to a good start – fans of the show have definitely got to give this one a look!”