Woke up to the news that Joey Manley passed away last night from complications of pneumonia.
He was 48.
In 2002 Joe was the first person to treat me like a comic professional and the first one to pay me for my comic work. It’s hard to put into words how important that was early in my career. If there’s a metaphorical ‘Zub Shop’, his money is there in a little frame by the register. I won’t forget that.
After I left Modern Tales to pursue other freelance work we didn’t stay in regular contact, but every time we corresponded he was a force of positive energy about art, comics, and storytelling.
My condolences to his loved ones. The industry has lost a friend. I’ll miss him.
SDCC 2002, The Modern Tales Gang
(left to right: Dirk Tiede, Derek Kirk Kim, Me, Jesse Hamm, Chuck Whelon, Joey Manley, Lea Hernandez, James Kochalka)
Some thoughts posted up by other creators/comic sites:
Comics Beat
Shaenon Garrity
T. Campbell