Radio Free Krypton Interview

I spoke to the gang at Radio Free Krypton about my comic career – breaking in, working for clients, and the differences between creator-owned and work for hire comics. Give it a listen!

  1. nice interview, really inspiring!

    I’ve been a fan of Skull Kickers for years, and just realised I have a couple of your Pathfinders comics, so I need to go through and pick those up again!

    One thing that I found really interesting is that you have a background in animation and used comic writing as a way to satisfy a more narrative based need. I’m in exactly the same position, man! I am animating in the games industry at the moment, and there is nothing quite so creativity-destroying! Because of that I am starting to write more, just as a way to fuel my creativity with the hopes to write a children’s picture book and maybe a comic.

    I’m gonna spend some time looking through your tutorials when I get some free time, see what I can learn!

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