Following up on the rancid sushi post, photos are here.
I’ve been on an art tear, in a good way. This week feels like I’ve burst through to a more confident painting approach. That mixed with better line art and life drawing bodes well for Jimbo’s art in 2005. I have 9 illustrations due by February 15th for the next issue of Dungeon Magazine. 5 are painting over Chad’s kick ass line art, the other 4 are all mine… so Dungeon #122 will be a Zub-centric kinda issue.
Plugging away on all that material, I’ve had the itch to back away from it and ask one of the other Udon guys to help me out. The Art Director asked me to tackle these, but even still I’ve felt the fear of not being able to step up to the plate and wanting to call in the calvary. I’ve resisted the urge and it’s turning out to be a good thing. Like the Dragon attack pic from last year though, when the art pressure is on, my brain seems to cope with the stress pretty well.
My color choices are getting better, the paint strokes are getting more confident. More mood too. Here’s two for now… more as I get the others finished. Click on either of the pics below to see a larger version.

Khurbok and His Allies – Line Art by Chad Du Lac, Coloring by Zub
I actually took screenshots of my progress through the Khurbok one, so I’ll try to post that up as a tutorial this weekend.
I was up until 4:30 am painting last night and it looks like around 1:30 am tonight… it’s gonna be hard to wake up in time for Life Drawing tomorrow, but I’ll try my damndest to make it there.