I missed life drawing yesterday. Spent the time fighting with technology instead. Grumble, grumble. I’ll be happy when things are all finally set up here at the apartment. Every day it feels like we’re taking garbage, flattened cardboard boxes, scrap wood from disassembled old shitty furniture and recycling stuff down to the garbage out back.
I sent off a flurry of work e-mails this morning so I could free up the rest of my day. Going downtown for my 1 month laser eye check-up at around lunchtime, going to shop, wander, have dinner out and then see Sin City tonight. A much needed breather. Crossing my fingers that the movie is good. Expect a review tomorrow either way.
Artwork to the right, click on it for a larger version. It’s a greyscale painting of a ‘Memory Child’ for the upcoming Tome of Horrors 3. I’ll post more as they get finished.
The big project is moving forward and I’m starting to get quite jazzed. Can’t wait until we can announce it and get the fan buzz growing.
