Li’l Sonja, the one-shot comic story of a young Red Sonja written for younger readers, came out on Wednesday. Here’s what critics thought of it…
• Comics Bulletin: 5/5 “The character Li’l Sonja is cute, and fun, and feisty, and at the same time, like her older model, strong, independent, and smart.”
• Unleash The Fanboy: 5/5 ” she may be cute but she is still pretty bad ass”
• What’cha Reading?: 5/5 “Li’l Sonja is adorable and yet every bit the bad ass her more grown-up counterpart is, but yet child-friendly enough that I can hand this book over to my younger/tween comic fans”
• Fandom Post: B+ “Li’l Sonja is plucky, courageous, and clever, and the quality of the art and writing are straightforward enough for children to enjoy, and cute enough for adults as well.”
• Comic Book Therapy: 7/10 “Zub writes a cute and fast-paced story. It’s a witty yarn that gives us a very different version of the character we know and love.”
Not generally a fan of the “lil” characters… but I enjoy your writing and a buddy of mine did one of the alternate covers, so I’ll have to go pick this one up!