Today is the big day!
7 months after we launched the series, right on time, it’s the release day for Skullkickers Vol 1:1000 Opas and a Dead Body at comic shops across North America. We did it!
I can’t properly express how proud I am of everyone on the team for their hard work and dedication.
If you live in the Toronto area, it would mean the world to me if you could make it out for the signing event tonight at The Beguiling from 5-7pm. I want to celebrate with family and friends. I would love to see you there.
I’ve had a few close friends apologize for not reading Skullkickers yet because they don’t collect individual issues any more. I do get it and I’m usually in the same boat on new series too. But now, today, no more excuses. The book is value-priced by Image as a way to bring a lot more people on board: $9.99 for 144 pages. Please pick up a copy, show your friends, spread the word. It’s a book now and it’s a satisfying little chunk o’ entertainment…. or at least that’s what I’ve been told. 🙂
Thank you all for your love and support.