Kobolds Ate My Baby is a beer & pretzel-style RPG game where players take on the role of ridiculously inept kobolds on a quest to find food and fame. Over the past 15 years it’s earned a special place in fantasy gaming as a comedy cult classic.
The gang at 9th Level Games, along with artist John Kovalic (Munchkin, Apple To Apples), have launched a new Kickstarter project to release a full color deluxe 4th edition version of the rules and I couldn’t be happier. I was so happy, in fact, that I got in touch with them and offered to throw my hat in the ring. They’ve already passed their base funding goal but now, if they hit their $35k stretch goal, I’ll be contributing a special new game section on kobold magic words to add to the chaos.
If you love gaming and want to add a hilarious and easy to play game to your collection, I recommend you give it a look. Good times ahead.