This Wednesday, alongside the Skullkickers launch, will finally be the release of Street Fighter Legends: Ibuki #4, wrapping up the UDON mini-series I started earlier this year. The issue’s been done for a while, but administrative stuff and printing delays kept it pushed back until now.
Cover A by Omar Dogan / Cover B by Jo Chen
I’m really proud of this mini-series. Omar put together the best art of his career and really delivered on the humour and action I put in to the scripts. I could tell that he was pushing himself every step of the way and I’m thrilled we finally had a chance to collaborate so closely on a comic project after all these years of working together.
Contributing to the Street Fighter legacy, even in a small way, and expanding the history of some of these characters is a great feeling. I don’t know if any of the material I wrote will work its way in to Street Fighter canon, but the fact that the Ibuki mini-series is out there and Capcom/UDON liked what I wrote means a lot.
I hope you enjoy the finale.