Glitterbomb #4 Reviews


Glitterbomb #4, the dark and tragic end to our first story arc, arrived in stores on Wednesday. What did critics think of it?

Newsarama: 10/10 “an emotionally-charged conclusion to the arc as Farrah takes control of the spotlight, but in the wake of the election, it’s also an incredibly relevant statement on the state of the world and the people who hold the power within it.”

Adventures In Poor Taste: 7.5/10 “In a world where it’s all about how you look, Zub is revealing the inner truth of the characters is more monstrous than anything you could imagine”

Doomrocket: 8.5/10 “Jim Zub dives into the seamier, nastier side of the creative process, with Djibril Morissette-Phan there to convey every single panel of his twisted imagery magnificently.”

Fangirl Nation: “I am invested. I will be reading more just to find out, so they have done their jobs. Made a rabid reader simply by not giving too much away too soon.”

Horror Talk: 9/10 “the artwork is pitch perfect, walking the fine line between emotion-filled scenes of drama and gore-filled segments of monstrous carnage.”

Reading With a Flight Ring: “There’s this great seamless transition between normal everyday life and sheer abject terror that Jim brings to this. It’s wonderfully written and beautifully illustrated tale of power, greed and loss that turns deadly.”

Retcon Punch: “What Zub and Morrisette-Phan accomplish here is nothing short of incredible.”

We The Nerdy: 9.3/10 “Farrah goes back-and-forth between being a murder monster and a loving mother. It’s a wonderful dichotomy that has been at the heart of all the tension and horror this comic has thus provided.”

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