I decided to take the plunge and start a Patreon page:
Patreon is a fundraising site where you can become a patron of the arts, donating a bit of money each month to show your support for online content you value.
Quite a few people I’ve met at conventions or interacted with online have told me that they’ve enjoyed the comic writing tutorials I’ve made and that they’d “buy me a beer” if they could. Well, with this site you can kind of do that and get access to comic scripts, pitch documents, and sneak peeks at my upcoming work while helping fund my future creator-owned comic projects.
The first post, with the full scripts for SKULLKICKERS #1 and WAYWARD #1, is already up and absolutely FREE so you can get a feel for the kind of content I’ll be sending to supporters each month:
If you join now at the $3+ level you’ll already have access to the original pitch document and full script for the first issue of SAMURAI JACK.
If you’ve found my articles helpful in your own creative process or just want a look behind the curtain at how comics are written, I’d be thrilled to have you on board. The tutorial articles I write will always be free and available on my site, this is just a way for me to give a focused look at the writing process and help fund my future creator-owned projects at the same time.
Whether you donate here on Patreon, read my work in print/digital, or share my comics and articles with others, THANK YOU for your continued support!