The day before the Udon crew heads out for San Diego Comicon. The biggest comic convention in North America – here we go again. 🙂
All the companies have gone quiet as they do their Comicon prep. All the deadlines extend past this week as everyone knows there’s no point in having things due while the “Big One” is on. Each year I meet more people and feel like I’m actually a part of the industry tornado. Between the Newsarama articles, the many Udon books and the upcoming Makeshift Miracle book I’ll have a lot to talk about and some extra visibility, which feels kind of cool.
Speaking of the book – I finished reformatting/relettering page 77 last night, which is good. It’s taken some long days but I have less than a hundred pages of the main story to go. It’s getting a bit faster as I discover better ways of doing it and keeping everything organized. The pagination (figuring out which pages are odd/even/etc) seems straight forward so far, but I’ll know for sure when they’re all done. The clarity of the high resolution line art versus the low rez web ones is such an upgrade… at this point I’m glad I didn’t just blow up the small size version and jury rig it, even if it’s a ton of work.
Locking down the cover price has been tough. We’re not sure what the orders will be like and the book size isn’t quite normal… cheaper may mean we move more copies but it could still make less money overall if it’s too low.
How much is a 8.25″ wide 5.25″ tall 200 page full color soft cover book worth?
You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. It’s mostly rhetorical.
It’s harder to figure out when it’s your own material.
We’ll nail it down.
I’ll have my laptop with me at the hotel and they have wireless internet as far as I know, so expect some show reports and photos during the week.