It’s Valentine’s Day.
Admittedly, my life’s been a little too busy for relationships. The job and new place have kept me busy enough. Weirdly enough, I’m not too blue about this Valentine’s Day. Normally, I’m a real jerk on the 14th.
When I was in residence, getting into a relationship seemed so important. Now, I like to think I’m confident enough to not let it get to me. The career aspect of my life is pretty overwhelming, so I don’t have much time to worry.
The housewarming party went pretty good. We actually had too much food, which was a nice surprise. The house is kicking butt now.
So., just a little note to let you all know that I’m doing well. And to all the girls I’ve loved (just as friends or as lovers):
Happy Valentine’s Day. The times we’ve shared make me smile, especially today.
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