So you hadn’t received a newsletter from me in a couple weeks and figured I’d given up on them. Ha! Guess again…
As usual, I apologize for not writing personal e-mails. My ability to access my e-mail right now is pretty limited and I just wanted to keep everyone up to date with what’s new in my world. I get a lot of flack for the impersonal newsletter thingee (“you’re not important enough to have a newsletter”, “I wish you’d write me personal e-mails”, “why don’t you call me”) but this is the cheapest, fastest way for me to tell everyone what’s up.
I’m back in Toronto (well, right now, Mississauga). I haven’t called very many of you because I’ve been unpacking and reorganizing my life. I’ve been clearing my head, too. Not having a car doesn’t help either. In any case, it’s not personal, honest!
My first priority is settling in and following up a few leads as far as jobs go. If I could secure a job before Christmas and actually like what I do, that would be incredible. I’m not assuming that’ll be the case, but anything’s possible.
There’s a few possibilities peeking at me and I’m looking into them. I don’t want to brag about any of them until something goes through. No point in setting myself up for disappointment.
So, in the meantime, I’m staying at my brother’s place if you want/need to get in touch with me.
Later, happy holidays.
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