Glitterbomb #1 Reviews!


Glitterbomb, my new Hollywood horror comic published by Image, launched on Wednesday and we’re already getting a ton of positive feedback from readers and retailers. Let’s see what reviewers thought of our premiere issue…

IGN: 9/10 “It only takes two pages for Glitterbomb #1 to sell itself as something wholly investing.”

Nerdist: 5/5 “Zub and Morrissette-Phan nail it. Glitterbomb #1 looks and reads great.”

Newsarama: 10/10 “With its creature-feature hook and its blunt focus on the dark things women are subjected to in Hollywood, Glitterbomb #1 is a triumph.”

Scream Magazine: 8/10 “Glitterbomb establishes itself as a story definitely worth following, especially as it veers so effortlessly between the beautiful and the profane.”

4 Letter Nerd: “Glitterbomb #1 is a captivating start to what’s sure to be a brutal and mysterious story.”

Adult Podcast For Kids: “I cannot recommend this book enough. A fantastic read.”

Adventures in Poor Taste: 9.5/10 “Strong character work outshines an almost equally strong sense of dread and unease”

Beboti: 8/10 “Solid first issue, and one I am interested to see where it goes.”

Comic Attack: “Glitterbomb’s debut is an exciting one that should be checked out by any sci-fi horror fan out there.”

Comic Buzz: “The art style is detailed and realistic, with a dash of the surreal, creating an eerie atmosphere befitting the material.”

Comic Plug: 9/10 “a unique character with a realistic storyline. You can feel the frustration in her expressions.”

Comic Source: “The first issue hooked me right away.”

Comic Uno: “I thought this was a really solid issue.”

Comics Alternative: “This one blew me away right out of the gate.”

Comics Grinder: “Glitterbomb provides a clever horror vibe as well as great biting social commentary.”

Critical Threat: “Farrah is one of the most instantly relatable characters I’ve read in comics, or any other media. I think it speaks to both Zub’s skill as a writer and Djibril Morissette-Phan’s talent as an artist.”

Daily Grindhouse: “this feels like the first installment of something very special indeed.”

Doomrocket: “Glitterbomb #1 rains horror and revenge onto the everything-is-beautiful Hollywood delusion to fantastic results. Highly recommended.”

Fangirl Nation: 8/10 “Glitterbomb is definitely a 4 star read and I can’t wait to see what comes next.”

Fellowship of the Geeks: “This is surely going to be a fun ride, so go get on it now.”

Flip Geeks: 9/10 “Glitterbomb #1 is fresh and original, and has great potential to be a horror hit this year.”

Heroes Direct: 8.8/10 “If you’re looking for a dark tale of horror and Hollywood – Glitterbomb #1 might be the one for you.”

Heroes World: “I’m hooked right out of the gate. I can’t wait to see where this book goes.”

Horror Talk: 9/10 “Glitterbomb seamlessly pulls you into the world of Farrah Durante”

Impulse Gamer: 4.9/5 “Overall, this new series has the potential to be the next sleeper hit from Image Comics. The story by Zub is intense, and it will grab the reader’s attention right from the start.”

Major Spoilers: 8/10 “Glitterbomb #1 makes a great first impression, with a strong story that overcomes some wobbles in the art, beautiful production values, and most of all, a hook that leaves me wanting more”

Metro News: “It’s a fascinating book, telling an important story about the way Hollywood devours women.”

Nerds on the Rocks: 8.5/10 “A key component into making Farrah a fully fleshed character in Glitterbomb #1 is the ability of Morissette-Phan to draw complex facial emotions.”

Nerdy Chatterbox: 9/10 “Mr. Zub’s story is intense and it grabs the reader’s attention right from the start. The artwork is first rate.”

Nothing But Comics: “Just as a single story, Glitterbomb #1 is about as good as it gets in terms of craft and enjoyment.”

Paste Magazine: “Zub and his artistic collaborators have plenty of directions to pursue, from the mythological to the social, leaving a body count along the way.”

Pastrami Nation: 9/10 “Image Comics gets it right once again as the drop a Glitterbomb on the industry. Zub, Morissette, and Russell have created something very different, very dark and very entertaining.”

Pop Culture Uncovered: 8/10 “I am curious to see where it goes from here.”

Pop Nerd TV: 10/10 “Even with the fantastical elements in the story, the struggle of a veteran actor/actress looking for work seems so real and makes for a very enticing tale”

Primary Ignition: “the issue really belongs to penciller Djibril Morissette-Phan and colorist K. Michael Russell. The sheer despair and hopelessness injected into Farrah make her almost immediately relatable as a character.”

Retcon Punch: “a confident and surprising first issue. Coming from such a young team of artists this is surprising but like the evil that infects Farrah, it’s exciting because the future is unknown.”

Reading With a Flight Ring: “This will surprise, thrill and entertain you in all the ways will leave you wanting more.”

Talking Comic Books: “Glitterbomb #1 dives head-first into the shallow world of LA’s fame-obsessed culture. It uses biting commentary to paint a grim picture of the daily life of a working actress.”

TM Stash: 9/10 “Glitterbomb is an amazingly well written story, an amazing tale from the very first panel!”

TorAthena: “A brilliant comic mixed with reality and intrigue.”

Ultimate Comics: “Even without the scary parts, this was going to be an amazing book.”

We The Nerdy: 9.5/10 “Glitterbomb #1 is a great comic that I fully expect to be the start of a great series.”

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