Dungeons & Dragons: Mindbreaker #1 Reviews

Comic Book.com: 9/10 “This is a fun opening issue and can be enjoyed by readers of Zub’s past D&D series or newcomers to the long running story. I’m curious to see where this particular adventure goes as it doesn’t have any obvious parallel to a previous D&D campaign adventure.”

Comic Book Resources: “Mindbreaker #1 sets the stage for an exciting series…Fans of the Dungeons & Dragons Universe are sure to be delighted by this debut issue.”

Lyle’s Movie Files: 8.5/10 “Dungeons & Dragons: Mindbreaker is an easy to follow, enjoyable issue for longtime fans and newcomers alike…Mindbreaker is off to a very promising start and looks to be a title worth following each month.”

Major Spoilers- Dueling Reviews: “It’s good, it’s solid. Zub puts together an interesting group and there’s always nicely plotted stuff to be done…If you want a story set in that D&D world, this is a good one.”

Multiversity Comics: 8/10 “Jim Zub has been writing these characters enough to have them down to an art. Right from the first lines of dialogue, their personalities shine through…A fantastic new chapter in the ongoing adventures of the heroes of Baldur’s Gate, carrying on plot points introduced in Infernal Tides and tying the characters in to the Baldur’s Gate III video game.”

Reading With a Flight Ring: “This is a classic superhero book set in a Dungeons & Dragons setting, which is basically how it has always been as long as I’ve played. I love the way that this is being written and how we see the characterization along with these stunning interiors make this as much fun as it can possibly be.”

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