My Halloween-themed Shadowman issue has arrived and the response has been great. Here’s what reviewers are saying about “Hallow Tides and Hollow Heads”…
• Newsarama: 8/10 “This might not be the usual fare for this book, but it’s a great story and worth picking up.”
• The Broken Infinite: 9/10 “Zub writes a good Shadowman but an even better Dr. Mirage. The story was good. The art was fantastic. I liked this issue and wish we were getting more from this creative team.”
• Stash My Comics: 9/10 “While not quite as light-hearted as Skullkickers, there’s a bit of Zub’s humor in this issue, along with a great sense of storytelling and world building. He keeps the familiar tone from Jordan’s run on the title, but also puts some of his own touches on the character.”
• Analog Addiction: 8.8/10 “If you are someone who finds they’re on the fence about picking up this book, do so and read this as it’s a standalone story that’s perfect for new readers.”
• Comic Booked: 8/10 “…its juxtaposition of humor to the horror in that makes this such a enjoyable read. Shadowman#11 is just a fun comic. Treat yourself to it.”
• Comic Hype: “…it’s a perfectly timed change of pace that makes Jack and Shadowman right at home in the spirit of the season”
• Forces of Geek: “This is a great jumping on point for new and old Shadowman fans, Buffy-verse fans or pick this up to get the Halloween mask variant if you are that lazy about your costume this year!”