Zubby Newsletter – October 31, 2000

Happy Halloween everyone!

Another week down and November is here already. It’s unbelievable that the year 2000 is almost over. I’m not sure what’s happening tonight for Halloween. I’ll probably just play it by ear and see where I end up. I planned on dressing up for class, but after scouring my house I realized that all my cool costume stuff is back in Toronto. The weather’s turned bitterly cold recently, so it’s time to bundle up in the mornings. I don’t envy the kids going out for trick or treating tonight with this chill.

I was invited to a rave on Friday, but ended up just vegging out at home instead because my stomach was doing back flips. It was weird because I was really nervous about going in the first place. I don’t think the stomach thing was mental, but being nervous couldn’t have helped it. I’ve wanted to hit the clubs and really party lately, but have been feeling a bit gun shy about the whole thing. It was different when I was in Toronto and was going to clubs with my friends. Heading out by myself is nerve wracking. I NEED to go dancing when I go home for Christmas. It has been too long.

I bought a Playstation 2 last week, which was a little bit of an adventure itself. If you hadn’t heard, Sony shipped half of the units they had planned to and people were freaking out like it was Cabbage Patch Kids and Tickle Me Elmo on parade. Luckily, one of my students works at Future Shop and he was able to set aside one for me. Even so, I had to get through the mad line up and chaos that erupted at the store as crazed parents and video game geeks went wild for them. I’m happy I got one, but it’s not my lifeblood, like the way it seemed to be for some of these people.

I can’t believe the LA trip and Don Bluth seminar is this weekend. I knew I organized it on short notice, but this is nuts! According to the secretary, there are going to be 4 Canadians, 1 person from Italy and a person who’s flying in from Japan! Obviously, I’ll let all of you know how it all goes.

Otherwise, things are good here. If November rips by as fast as October did, it’ll be a quick dash to Christmas holidays.

Take care,

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