Uncanny Skull Press

Apparently our UNCANNY SKULLKICKERS #1 announcement created a few ripples in the comic press.
Check it out:

Bleeding Cool: “…make room for Uncanny Skullkickers, the relaunch of Skullkickers in February”

Robot 6: “…have wryly announced the February arrival of The Uncanny Skullkickers #1”

ICV2: “Jim Zub and Edwin Huang are having a little fun with their new Image comic launching in February.

Multiversity Comics: “Why? Well, everyone else is doing it! This is how you sell comics, people!!”

Newsarama: “Oh Image Comics, you so cray.”

Geek Exchange: “The exclamation point-laden PR blasts from Marvel Comics are ripe for parody.”

Comic Book Fury: “The solicit says more than I can possibly say…”

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