Comics Alliance has an article all about the #fourcomics hashtag I started last night that picked up momentum overnight on Twitter and Facebook.
It’s been a really fun day filled with nostalgia as hundreds of people have posted cover images to four different comics that influenced them growing up. Seeing the variety of comics, familiar and new, and the enthusiasm people have for their favorites has been really inspiring and enjoyable. Thanks for reminding me why I love this community so much.
Here are my four:

Dr. Strange #55: Stellar Michael Golden art and an incredible done-in-one tale of loss and redemption.
G.I.Joe #21: The original silent issue. Masterful storytelling. I pored over every page until my copy fell apart.
Amazing Spider-Man #230: The ultimate underdog story as Spidey battles Juggernaut. I was absolutely riveted by the intensity of this issue.
Uncanny X-Men #190: My favorite super heroes in a brutal sword & sorcery alternate dimension? Yessssss~!