Ultimate geekness going on here. We’re at a pub in Banff post-Calgary comic convention. I found a wireless internet signal so I thought I’d make a quick post here to let people know how I’m doing.

Calgary show kicked all kinds of ass. Considering that the show was the first of its kind in the city it was unbelievably well organized, well put together and successful. For the first time EVER at a convention, we sold OUT of everything at our booth. The last few comics and posters left over at the end of the show got snapped up by a local retailer. In turn, Omar’s not taking any product home and I have an entire suitcase empty to E3. Unbelievable and cool. The show was seriously crazy and fun, far more than either of us could have imagined.

Today I’m relaxing in Banff chilling out before the flight to LA tomorrow.

More details later.

Take care all!

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