Article #4 for comic portfolio building is now up right HERE.

I’ve got a decent plan for the articles now to carry me through quite a few, which should make it go a little smoother. Ideally I’ll be able to sit down and pound out 2-3 in advance to build up a buffer so I’m not writing them the day/night before they’re due to go up. People seem to be really enjoying the column so far, which takes some pressure off at least.

Last week was chaotic. This week will be moreso. I head out Thursday morning for the New York Comic-Con. Dammit, why is con season starting in February for crying out loud! Who thought this was a good idea? Madness.

Udon’s NY Comic-Con List

If you’ll be there, swing by the Udon booth to say “Hi” or otherwise track me down. I’ll be there with bloodshot eyes hoping to find new projects and opportunities for the gang. Maybe the Marvel editors will finally take a chance on the pitch Ray and I have, *sigh*.

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