Looking at when I posted that pic last night (4:15am), I had to chuckle. I didn’t get to sleep until 5:30am.

Last night I went up to the Udon studio and we did a full convention post-debrief. What companies we met with, what potential projects are coming and what we want to do in 2007 and beyond. When I got home I could barely sleep. The body was destroyed but my brain was in overdrive.

I can easily say that the meeting last night has made me more excited about what I’m doing than almost anything else since I started working at Udon. If even 1/4 of the things we talked about come through we’re looking at a blitzing year of client work and creative projects. The owners all seemed focused in the same direction and looking for the same goals. Morale and trust seem to be at an all-time high. It’s kind of freaking me out.

I’m hoping to have some announcements before the Canadian National Comic Expo. Cool crazy stuff that makes my inner Jimbo squeal like something that squeals in happiness.

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