This journal entry is my 5 minute break. Heh.

On the run today indeed… up until 4am at a meeting discussing everything that needs to happen before San Diego Comic-Con, then up at 8am, get ready and off to the print house to make sure the Exalted prints are spot on. Color corrections right before our eyes and the prints went to press as we walked away. I grabbed a couple uncut sheets as a souvenier:

On the left is a Street Fighter print we had done at the same time… good ol’ Dark Ryu. Obviously the prints will be trimmed and sorted before we pick them up on Monday.

Now a flurry of e-mails and phone calls through the afternoon mobilizing the stuff we talked about last night and keeping track of a couple new projects and then it’s off to dinner with Erik and a gent from Diamond Distribution to talk comics and books. By tonight, I’ll be in need of some serious sleepy sleep. My throat’s been acting up. I think my body is fighting a cold, so I need to beat this before we drive out to Ohio Tuesday night for Origins.

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